Released in Korea in 1978, Gold Wing 123, or Golden Wing 123, is an animated sci-fi superhero feature from Kim Cheong Ki, who also directed the classic Robot Taekwon V (1976) and created the popular Wuroemae series. Like Robot Taekwon V, Gold Wing 123 draws from Japanese genre themes and character designs to create Korea's very own world-saving transforming superhero, a young man who attains super powers and is tasked to defend earth from the evil plans of a galactic conqueror. Known in the West as Goldwing, Gold Wing 123 is one of Korea's earliest and most classic animated films. The Gold Wing 123 was mastered in HD for Blu-ray release, but some imperfections still exist in the film due to the state of the original archive print.
Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Science Fiction
Crew: Kim Chung-gi (Director), Jo Hang-ri (Writer), Park Sang-ho (Producer), Jeong Tae-gyu (Producer), Kim Bul-rai (Special Effects), Choi Chang-kwon (Original Music Composer)
Country: South Korea
Language: 한국어/조선말
Studio: Sejong Cultural Production, Seoul Donghwa
Runtime: 80 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: May 01, 1978
IMDb: 3.2