Flo - Season 1
Flo is an American sitcom which aired on CBS from 1980 to 1981. The series is a spin-off for Polly Holliday who portrayed the sassy and street-smart waitress Florence Jean "Flo" Castleberry on the sitcom Alice. Flo was cancelled at the end of its second season.
Genre: Comedy
Stars: Polly Holliday, Geoffrey Lewis, Lucy Lee Flippin, Leo Burmester, Stephen Keep Mills, Joyce Bulifant
Crew: Jim Mulligan, James R. Stein
Country: US
Studio: CBS
Runtime: 30:24 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Mar 21, 1980
Last air date: Apr 30, 1981
Episode: 29 Episode
Season: 2 Season
IMDb: 6