Inspired by a true story, ‘Oversteer’ follows the journey of Wind, a young man whose passion for cars leads him to fall out with his family, leading to a world he’s unprepared for. As he navigates financial struggles and personal challenges, Wind finds support from unexpected sources. The film explores themes of perseverance, friendship, and the pursuit of one's dreams, offering a heartfelt and inspiring narrative in a car racing world.
Stars: Aden Tan, Jannassa Neo, Hanrey Low, Grace Teo, Zhang Yaodong
Crew: Derrick Lui (Director), Alex Oh (Music), Derrick Lui (Producer), Jesslyn Foo (Producer), Daven Raghavan (Director of Photography), Derrick Lui (Screenplay)
Language: 普通话
Runtime: 86 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jan 31, 2024
IMDb: 10