A unique youth group drama set in a deserted local city in the 1980s, depicting the fate of a mysterious girl, Himiko, and the men surrounding her. Himiko, a girl who once left town, returns as a beautiful adult woman. Mukawa, a member of the baseball team who is practicing hard with the aim of participating in Koshien, meets Himiko by chance and is captivated by her.
Stars: Hiromi Miyagawa, Sion Sono, Hiroshi Takahashi, Yumi Yoshiyuki, Naoko Tanabe, Hiroyuki Takegawa
Crew: Sho Fujiwara (Director), Yukiyasu Shimada (Producer)
Language: 日本語
Runtime: 93 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Oct 24, 2007
IMDb: 10