Created to mark the two-year anniversary of Alien: Covenant's home video release, the film is a sequel to the movie in which a Weyland-Yutani team arrives to investigate David's laboratory on Planet 4. One of the explorers enters David's laboratory to document the rogue synthetic's scientific discoveries. After carefully recording the specimens and records within the lab, including dissected Neomorphs and a vial of black liquid, he sets up his camera to analyze an egg-like object in one corner of the room while he continues his visual examination of the room. As the analysis continues, the Egg begins to show signs of life.
Genre: Science Fiction
Stars: Ian Sproul
Crew: Allen Colombo (Director), Sarah Colombo (Producer), Kevin Richey (Director of Photography)
Country: United States of America
Language: English
Studio: 20th Century Fox, Armed Mind
Runtime: 12 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Aug 16, 2019
IMDb: 4.5