Red Shadow, created by Yokoyama Mitsuteru, is a ninja who wears a red-and-black costume and a stylized red mask. His adventures take place in Feudal Japan, and he and his ninja sidekicks Aokage and Shirokage fight evil warlords, wizards and daikaiju using modern high-tech gadgetry (a blatant oddity in a period setting).
Genre: Animation, Action & Adventure
Stars: Tessyo Genda, Chikao Ohtsuka, Toshio Furukawa, Masako Nozawa, Kaneto Shiozawa, Mika Doi
Crew: Akihiro Kanayama, Susumu Ishizaki, Toshiki Inoue, Hiromi Matsushita, Toshiyuki Fujisawa, Hideyuki Tanaka
Country: JP
Studio: Nippon TV
Runtime: 25:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Oct 13, 1987
Last air date: Mar 22, 1988
Episode: 23 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 10