Young Kengo Manaka lives on Mars. As he lives out his peaceful, day-to-day life, the monster Golba suddenly appears, throwing the town into chaos! Meanwhile, Kengo has a fateful meeting with a giant stone statue sleeping deep beneath the ground on Mars. When Kengo becomes one with an Ultra-Ancient light, his destiny is forcefully thrown into motion!
Genre: Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Drama
Stars: Raiga Terasaka, Runa Toyoda, Shunya Kaneko, Kei Hosogai, Tadashi Mizuno, Meiku Harukawa
Crew: Koichi Sakamoto
Country: JP
Studio: TV Tokyo
Runtime: 25:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Jul 10, 2021
Last air date: Jan 22, 2022
Episode: 25 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 3.9
Keywords:japan, planet mars, monster, hero, villain, superhero, extraterrestrial, giant monster, kaiju, giant, supervillain, new generation, spaceship, ultraman, gimmick, henshin heroes, tokusatsu