Superstars of Dance was an American reality television show that debuted on January 4, 2009 on NBC. The show featured dance routines from eight different countries from six continents. It was hosted by Michael Flatley, co-creator of Riverdance and creator of Lord of the Dance, and was co-hosted by former Miss USA title holder Susie Castillo. It was created by executive producers Nigel Lythgoe and Simon Fuller, co-producers of So You Think You Can Dance and American Idol.
On May 19, 2009, it was announced that NBC would not be ordering a second season of the show.
Genre: Reality
Stars: Susie Castillo, Michael Flatley
Crew: Simon Fuller, Nigel Lythgoe
Country: US
Studio: NBC
Runtime: 120:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Jan 04, 2008
Last air date: Jan 26, 2009
Episode: 5 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 10