Set in Chicago, the show follows the kid-friendly misadventures of two high-school friends who are always scheming and dreaming. Kenan, who works at a grocery store, constantly devises crazy plans to strike it rich, while orange-soda-loving buddy Kel is always dragged along for the ride despite his track record for messing things up.
Stars: Kenan Thompson, Kel Mitchell, Vanessa Baden Kelly, Ken Foree, Teal Marchande, Dan Frischman
Crew: Carol Nowlin, Michael Tollin, Dan Schneider, Nick Cannon, Brian Robbins
Country: US
Studio: Nickelodeon
Runtime: 25:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Aug 17, 1996
Last air date: May 03, 2000
Episode: 62 Episode
Season: 4 Season
IMDb: 2.903
Keywords:teen comedy, sitcom