My Date with a Vampire is a 1998 Hong Kong television series produced by ATV. The story is based on the future events of the plot of Vampire Expert, a similar two-season television drama aired on ATV in 1995 and 1996. It blends aspects of the jiangshi with those of western vampires, while injecting elements of Chinese mythology and modern horror legends. The series is a tribute to Lam Ching-ying, the lead actor of Vampire Expert and a prominent cast member in the Mr. Vampire franchise, who died of liver cancer in 1997. It was followed by My Date with a Vampire II and My Date with a Vampire III.
Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Stars: Joey Man Yee-Man, Eric Wan Tin-Chiu, Kenneth Chan, Alice Chan Wai, Pinky Cheung Man-Chi, Wong Shu-Tong
Crew: Thirteen Chan Sap-Sam
Country: HK
Studio: ATV
Runtime: 45:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Nov 30, 1998
Last air date: Jul 11, 2005
Episode: 116 Episode
Season: 3 Season
IMDb: 2