The Court of Last Resort is an American television dramatized court show which aired on the NBC from 1957 through 1958. It was co-produced by Erle Stanley Gardner's Paisano Productions, which also brought forth the long-running hit television program, Perry Mason on CBS. Its approach to dealing with potential miscarriages of justice in an entirely extra-judicial format was adopted by the BBC series Rough Justice in the 1980s.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Lyle Bettger, Carleton Young, Robert H. Harris, John Maxwell, S. John Launer, Robert Anderson
Crew: Elliott Lewis
Country: US
Studio: NBC
Runtime: 30:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Oct 04, 1957
Last air date: Apr 11, 1958
Episode: 26 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 10
Keywords:falsely accused, courtroom