The story follows three sisters from a Thai dancing house nicknamed "Tre Chada" meaning Trio Tiara. The eldest, Chadaohorn, is the most beautiful woman one could lay eyes on, unmatched by anybody. The middle, Chadaploy, has an air of free-spiritedness and self-confidence. Finally, the youngest, Chadapetch, is just as mean as she is pretty, and loves to compete with people. One day, Chadaphorn falls into a canal and dies. The conclusion of the investigation was "accidental death". However, in reality, it was not an accident but a murder. Someone had chased her and murdered her that night. Now her spirit lingers in the air, holding a deep grudge against the one who caused her death.
Genre: Drama, Family, Mystery, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Stars: Akhamsiri Suwanasuk, Wongsakorn Paramatthakorn, Nuengthida Sophon, Phuripan Sapsangsawat, Nonny Nutcha Jeka, Songsit Rungnopakunsi
Crew: Nattapol Leeyawanich
Country: TH
Studio: Channel 8
Runtime: 41:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Oct 23, 2023
Last air date: Dec 20, 2023
Episode: 35 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 4