In the magical territory of Nudonia (a land of many kingdoms) resides a small band of warriors called Doraleous and Associates who challenge the forces of evil. Outnumbered and out-weaponed the small group of heroes seek the legendary Zephyr blade (guarded by the Lady of the Lake) to face the immortal Titanus and the Nanadoo Army. Together, Doraleous and his noble warriors, Neebs, Drak, Mirdon, Broof and Sir Walken take on the most dangerous feats and support those who cannot defeat dark forces on their own...for a small fee.
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Stars: Tony Schnur, Nate Panning, Brent Triplett, Jon Etheridge, Bryan Mahoney
Crew: Jon Etheridge, Brent Triplett, Adam Ligrix, Bryan Mahoney, Brent Triplett, Nate Panning
Country: US
Studio: YouTube
Runtime: 333:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Aug 13, 2012
Last air date: Nov 26, 2012
Episode: 50 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 1