Honey Kisaragi is a high school student at Sainte Chapelle Girls' School. On her 16th birthday, when she returns home, she discovers that her father Takeshi Kisaragi has been kidnapped by the Panther Claw gang because he had discovered a device that could allow the transformation of the human body.
That same evening, Honey Kisaragi meets a man with long white hair who gives her the said device. She thus becomes Cutie Honey and fights Panther Claw to save her father.
But a new transfer student, Seira Hazuki, will not make her task easy...
Genre: Action & Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Animation
Stars: Ai Nagano, Akira Kamiya, Akiko Hiramatsu, Chiho Ohkawa, Makiko Ohmoto, Rumi Watanabe
Crew: Noriyo Sasaki, Koichi Yada, Yasuyuki Konno, Kenji Ota, Ryota Yamaguchi, Iriya Azuma
Country: JP
Studio: tv asahi
Runtime: 30:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Feb 15, 1997
Last air date: Jan 31, 1998
Episode: 39 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 3.9
Keywords:based on comic, based on manga, ecchi, shoujo, anime, cutie honey, magical girl, missing father