Otomen is a Japanese romantic comedy manga by manga artist Aya Kanno, which began in Bessatsu Hana to Yume in late 2006 and concluded on November 26, 2012. The series has been adapted into a live action TV drama. The series has been one of the best-selling shōjo properties in America, since being licensed by Viz Media. The series is also licensed in France by Delcourt and in Spain by Planeta DeAgostini.
Genre: Comedy
Stars: Masaki Okada, Kaho, Ryô Kimura, Koji Seto, Nobuhiko Takada, Kanako Yanagihara
Crew: Teruo Noguchi, Kurihara Maki, Noriko Hanzawa, Kota Fukihara, Masayuki Sekiya, Masaki Tanimura
Country: JP
Studio: Fuji TV
Runtime: 36:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Aug 01, 2009
Last air date: Nov 03, 2009
Episode: 16 Episode
Season: 2 Season
IMDb: 10