My Beloved is a Filipino romance drama-suspense-thriller series created and written by RJ Nuevas, under the helm of Dominic Zapata and Lore Reyes and produced by GMA Network. The show headlines the tandem of real and reel sweethearts Dingdong Dantes and Marian Rivera as the two main protagonists, with Katrina Halili, Mikael Daez and Paolo Contis as the antagonists. The series premiered February 13, 2012 replacing Survivor Philippines: Celebrity Doubles Showdown on GMA Telebabad block. It is the first TV drama series of the network to premiere just a day after its original telecast on GMA Pinoy TV, February 14, 2012. Within the seven years of GMA Pinoy TV, this is the first that has done so.
The series follows the life and love story of an angel of death named Arlan, a fictional character portrayed by Dingdong Dantes, who falls in love with a human named Sharina, played by Marian Rivera. He was punished and sent to earth to become human being. But complications arise when he found himself trapped in the body of a notorious criminal.
The series concluded on June 8, 2012. It ran for 17 weeks with the total of 83 episodes. It was replaced by One True Love.
Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Drama
Stars: Dingdong Dantes, Marian Rivera, Katrina Halili, Mikael Daez, Jennica Garcia, Carl Guevarra
Crew: Des Garbes-Severino, Jun Robles Lana, Vinuel Ello, Lore Reyes, R.J. Nuevas, Obet Villela
Country: PH
Studio: GMA Network
Runtime: 26:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Feb 13, 2012
Last air date: Jun 08, 2012
Episode: 83 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 10