In a world where supernatural abilities are limited to comic books and the silver screen, four blue collar twenty-somethings are the only people with actual superpowers. A look at what it would really be like to have superpowers. No wacky super villains, no body armor, no campy fluorescent costumes or holy-anythings something-mans. Just four people trying to realize their full potential. It's hard enough making a living in your 20's, try and make a legacy.
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Stars: Jake Jarvi, Craig Benzine, Eliza Toser, Carlyn Janus, Derrick Stout, Scott Hall
Crew: Jake Jarvi, Jake Jarvi, Christopher Davis, Jake Jarvi, Tim Ferrin, Eliza Tozer
Country: US
Studio: YouTube
Runtime: 418:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Oct 01, 2009
Last air date: Mar 16, 2017
Episode: 10 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 5