This moving telenovela tells the story of an unconditional love that overcomes life’s unexpected turnarounds. Ana is a promising tennis player who counts on best friend and sister Manuela for support. After a terrible car accident, Ana goes into a deep coma and only emerges from it five years later. Now, she must struggle to recover the life that went on without her and that she no longer recognizes as her own.
Stars: Fernanda Vasconcellos, Marjorie Estiano, Rafael Cardoso, Ana Beatriz Nogueira, Jesuela Moro, Nicette Bruno
Crew: Hans Donner, Giselle Lewicki, Isabella Raja Gabaglia, Alexandre Macedo, Erika Lovisi, Ubiraci de Motta
Country: BR
Studio: TV Globo
Runtime: 26:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Sep 26, 2011
Last air date: Mar 02, 2012
Episode: 137 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 3
Keywords:telenovela, drama familiar