The "cute and soft bread four-panel manga" centers around Minami, an air-headed girl who is starting high school and who loves eating bread for breakfast. Baked goods bring happiness everyday to her and her classmates the reliable Yuu, the pastry-baking Fuyumi, and the independent Noa.
Stars: Ibuki Kido, Erii Yamazaki, Madoka Asahina, Moe Toyota, Nichika Omori, Natsuko Hara
Crew: Jirou Kouno, Aoi Yuki, Ayana Taketatsu, Momoko Murakami, Shizue Kaneko, Kisuke Koizumi
Country: JP
Studio: ANIMAX
Runtime: 5:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Apr 03, 2016
Last air date: Jun 27, 2016
Episode: 13 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 7.1