The Panther Claw organization is driven by a relentless pursuit of wealth, using any means necessary to achieve their goals. However, their plans start to unravel thanks to the unexpected interference of a seemingly ordinary girl. This girl, who initially encounters Panther Claw by chance, turns out to be Kisaragi Honey, the ‘daughter’ of the brilliant cyberneticist Dr. Kisaragi Koshirou. Recognizing her value, Panther Claw’s four members race to capture Cutie Honey.
Kisaragi Honey, also known as Cutie Honey, is not alone in her fight. She is joined by two allies, Saotome Miki (Sister Miki) and Kenmochi Yuki (Sister Yuki). Together, they work to thwart Panther Claw’s schemes and protect Honey from being exploited.
Genre: Action & Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Stars: Mikie Hara, Makoto Takeda, Ayame Misaki, Shouma Yamamoto, Megumi Komatsu, Ken'ichi Nagira
Crew: Osamu Ogawara, Fumihiko Tamura, Makoto Yokoyama, Shinji Tomita, Shunji Inoue, Akira Ohashi
Country: JP
Studio: TV Tokyo
Runtime: 25:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Oct 02, 2007
Last air date: Nov 21, 2008
Episode: 26 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 4