Les Galapiats is a French-Belgian-Swiss-Canadian television series, composed of eight episodes lasting 26 minutes each, directed by Pierre Gaspard-Huit broadcast in 1970 on the second channel of the ORTF and December 1969 in the RTB, Belgium.
Genre: Action & Adventure, Family
Stars: Paul Anrieu, Audrey Berindey, Gaëtan Bloom, Thierry Bourdon, Louis Boxus, Paul Clairy
Crew: Pierre Gaspard-Huit, Gérard Vercruysse, André Zarra, Pierre Gaspard-Huit, Roger Mores, Pierre Gaspard-Huit
Country: BE
Studio: RTB1
Runtime: 26:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Dec 23, 1969
Last air date: Feb 17, 1970
Episode: 8 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 4