Moscow in a not so distant future where human beings share their daily lives with robots. Georgy, a forensic who has a robot assistant, suddenly finds himself caught up in the first murder committed by a new kind of experimental humanoid.
Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Drama
Stars: Paulina Andreeva, Kirill Käro, Olga Lomonosova, Vitaliya Kornienko, Eldar Kalimulin, Vera Kincheva
Crew: Andrey Dzhunkovskiy, Alexandr Kessel, Alexander Dagan, Marsel Shashmulin
Country: RU
Studio: Channel One
Runtime: 55:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Nov 23, 2018
Last air date: Mar 01, 2019
Episode: 16 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 3.616