A Woman, Unfortunately
The film revolves around two orphaned twin sisters, Nadia and Heba (Yousra), each of whom is different from the other; Heba is sensible, balanced and polite, while Nadia is liberated and impulsive and only cares about how to become rich by any means. While Heba admires her university professor (Karam Mattawa), Nadia meets Khaled (Sami El Adl) in the elevator and discovers that he works for the company she is applying to work for, which is headed by (Salah Zulfikar). Each of them tries to achieve her goal and reach it.
Stars: Yousra, Karam Metawea, Salah Zulfikar, Samy El Adl, Salah Yahya, Shafiq Alshayeb
Crew: Nadia Hamza (Director), Nadia Hamza (Writer)
Country: Egypt
Language: العربية
Runtime: 90 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: May 16, 1988
IMDb: 10