Set in a virtual simulation of Shibuya, Tokyo which is regulated by an entity named Piece which does not allow inhabitants to live, the series focuses on a fifteen-year-old boy named Tsuyoshi who seeks to find both his lost memories and a way to escape Shibuya. To maintain control, Piece locks "kills" those who do not operate within the proper confines of the world, which results in their being reset and inserted back into the city with a new name and identity and without their previous memories.
Genre: Action & Adventure, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Stars: Saya Yūki, Yui Aragaki, Mao Katô, Yuria Haga, Toru Yamashita, Uehara Takuya
Crew: Saeko Matsuda, Shouji Yonemura, Kuniaki Haishima, Shin-ichiro Shirakura, Naomi Takebe, Koichi Yada
Country: JP
Studio: tv asahi
Runtime: 23:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Jan 10, 2005
Last air date: Mar 28, 2005
Episode: 12 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 5