Playing on server:
- Episode 1 Luke 1 | An Angel Foretells Christ's Birth to Mary
- Episode 2 Luke 1 | Mary, the Mother of Jesus
- Episode 3 Luke 1 | Mary and Elisabeth Rejoice Together
- Episode 4 Luke 1 | The Naming of John the Baptist
- Episode 5 Luke 2 | Mary and Joseph Travel to Bethlehem
- Episode 6 Luke 2 | Shepherds Learn of the Birth of Christ
- Episode 7 Luke 2 | The Nativity
- Episode 8 Luke 2 | Glad Tidings of Great Joy: The Birth of Jesus Christ
- Episode 9 Luke 2 | The Christ Child Is Presented at the Temple
- Episode 10 Matthew 2 | The Wise Men Seek Jesus
- Episode 11 Luke 2 | Young Jesus Teaches in the Temple
- Episode 12 Matthew 3 | Jesus is Baptized by John
- Episode 13 John 2 | Jesus Turns Water into Wine
- Episode 14 John 2 | Jesus Cleanses the Temple
- Episode 15 John 3 | Jesus Teaches of Being Born Again
- Episode 16 John 4 | Jesus Teaches a Samaritan Woman
- Episode 17 Luke 4 | Jesus Declares He Is the Messiah
- Episode 18 Matthew 4 | Follow Me, and I Will Make You Fishers of Men
- Episode 19 Luke 4 | Jesus Heals a Possessed Man
- Episode 20 Mark 2 | Jesus Forgives Sins and Heals a Man Stricken with Palsy
- Episode 21 John 5 | Jesus Heals a Lame Man on the Sabbath
- Episode 22 Matthew 10 | Jesus Calls Twelve Apostles to Preach and Bless Others
- Episode 23 Matthew 5 | Sermon on the Mount: The Beatitudes
- Episode 24 Matthew 5 | Sermon on the Mount: The Higher Law
- Episode 25 Matthew 6 | Sermon on the Mount: The Lord's Prayer
- Episode 26 Matthew 6 | Sermon on the Mount: Treasures in Heaven
- Episode 27 Luke 12 | Seek Ye the Kingdom of God
- Episode 28 Luke 7 | Jesus Raises the Son of the Widow of Nain
- Episode 29 Matthew 11 | Jesus Acclaims John the Baptist; Come unto Me
- Episode 30 Luke 11 | A House Divided
- Episode 31 Matthew 13 | Parables of Jesus: Parable of the Sower
- Episode 32 Matthew 13 | Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares
- Episode 33 Matthew 13 | The Parables of the Wheat and Tares, Mustard Seed, and Leaven
- Episode 34 Matthew 13 | Parables of Jesus: The Kingdom of Heaven
- Episode 35 Mark 4 | Calming the Tempest
- Episode 36 Mark 5 | Jesus Raises the Daughter of Jairus
- Episode 37 Mark 5 | Jesus Heals a Woman of Faith
- Episode 38 Matthew 14 | The Feeding of the 5,000
- Episode 39 Matthew 14 | Wherefore Didst Thou Doubt?
- Episode 40 John 6 | I am the Bread of Life: Jesus Christ
The Life of Jesus Christ - Season 1
Jesus Christ goes from being born in a manger to the proclaimed King of the Jews. Walk where He walked, see what He did, and stand where He died. What made Him more than just a man in the eyes of some, but an impostor to others.
Genre: Drama
Stars: John Foss, Savannah Stevenson, Adam Johnson, Nathan Mitchell, Christopher Clark, Spencer M.N. Oberan
Country: US
Studio: YouTube
Runtime: 8:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Dec 16, 2011
Last air date: Feb 26, 2015
Episode: 80 Episode
Season: 2 Season
IMDb: 4