The Little Mermaid
Disney's The Little Mermaid is an American animated television series produced by Walt Disney Television Animation based on the 1989 Disney film of the same name. It features the adventures of Ariel as a mermaid prior to the events of the film. This series is the first Disney television series to be spun off from a major animated film. Some of the voice actors of the film reprise their roles in the series, among them Jodi Benson as Ariel, Samuel E. Wright as Sebastian, Kenneth Mars as King Triton, and Pat Carroll as Ursula.
Genre: Family, Animation, Kids, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Stars: Jodi Benson, Jim Cummings, Samuel E. Wright, Kenneth Mars, Danny Cooksey, Mary Kay Bergman
Crew: Mircea Mantta, Jamie Mitchell
Country: US
Studio: CBS
Runtime: 22:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Sep 11, 1992
Last air date: Nov 25, 1994
Episode: 31 Episode
Season: 3 Season
IMDb: 4
Keywords:mermaid, underwater