Stranded - Season 1
Created by Josh Gates, Stranded is a reality series that documents an unconventional – and terrifying – paranormal and psychological experiment. Each episode features the self-recorded footage of a diverse group of every-day paranormal enthusiasts - from newlyweds and a brother-in-law to a trio of roommates.
Each team of three will be stranded at one of the most haunted locations in America and record the entire experience with hand-held cameras creating a suspenseful, completely unscripted first-hand account of each group's stay. Over the course of the confinement, the group will cope with increasingly pervasive feelings of fear and desolation, resulting in an experiment that represents a unique combination of psychology and the paranormal.
Runtime: 60:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Feb 27, 2013
Last air date: Apr 03, 2013
Episode: 6 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 3